Busan, a bustling city of approximately 3.7 million residents, is located on the Southeastern tip of the Korean peninsula.
The size of Busan is 763.3km2 which is 0.8% of the whole land of the Korean Peninsula. The natural environment of Busan is a perfect example of harmony between mountains, rivers and sea.
Its geography includes a coastline with superb beaches and scenic cliffs, mountains which provide excellent hiking and extraordinary views, and hot springs scattered throughout the city. Busan enjoys four distinct seasons and a temperate climate that never gets too hot or too cold.Busan is the second largest city in Korea.
Its deep harbor and gentle tides have allowed it to grow into the largest container handling port in the country and the third largest in the world, with potential for even more growth.
Its natural endowments and rich history have resulted in Busan's increasing reputation as a world class city of tourism and culture. |
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